Well, its official! I completed my first Ultra!! Most of it went really well, other than taking a wrong turn and adding about 3mi before getting back on track - seems to be a common theme in this group.
Got to run with some really cool people - one of them joined me in my wrong turn early on. Also got to run with the first place female for about 5mi - until the 2nd to last aid station at mi 22, where I started to hit the wall a bit and she changed her shoes and took off like she had wings!! Finally caught a 2nd wind around mile 27and finished the last 4mi running pretty strong.
Course was in pretty good shape considering all the rain we got in the last few days. A few muddy squishy sections, and lots of horse-apples to try and avoid on the horse trail sections. Starting to feel better finally after an ice bath and a couple of beers (not at the same time!). Thanks to all the great training partners that I've gotten to run with over the last few months at Lapham - you guys really inspired me to complete this!! - Tony
Official Results at: http://www.sportstats.ca/find-an-athlete-find-a-race-search.php?lang=eng&first=&last=&city=&month=&year=&race=North%20Face%20Endurance
There were 200 runners competing in in the 50K and Tony finished 41st in a time of 5:16:39. Additional LPTR runners included Justin Kolster who finished his first ultra in 5:36:58 for 70th place and Chris Derosier, 5:42:44 - 82nd place.
In the 50Mile, Joel Lammers spent equal time on the trail and in the Porta-John over the first 35 miles before heading home to abuse his own facilities for the remainder of the weekend. Rough time to get the flu...
Great job guys!